What consistency looks like

Obviously, I haven’t been very consistent with posting to this blog. Originally, I had created it because I wanted to have something cool to put on my resume. I made a handful of posts and then got overwhelmed because it felt like I had nothing new or interesting to talk about. I then started putting pressure on myself to “cool” and “interesting” side-projects, just so I had something to write about on my blog. Even though I love coding, I’ve found myself struggling to do it after work. And this is really what led to me avoiding this blog for about 2 years. It all felt like too much stress and pressure that I was putting on myself to be hip and cool.

I’m taking another stab at this, but trying to put less pressure on myself to post regularly and to have something “cool” or “interesting” to talk about. I’ve seen the concept of a digital garden floating around the internet, and I think that is what I would want this blog to be. I just want a space to talk about random things that interest me, which may or may not be related to code and software. Admittedly, I also think that I found some inspiration in Cassidy William’s blog and newsletter.

Ultimately I just want this to be a space that I can cultivate and that I enjoy coming to, instead of a burden to be maintained. Hopefully you decide to stick around and read my random posts
